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Touch Loop is Ultra Casual game. Your goal is to touch at the right time and place to capture the post and move forward. Avoid Bumping into the post and walls.
Single Touch Controls....Fun to play....Hard to master...


1. Tri-Coloured poles.

i) Currently Inactive Poles(Away from the Ball) -> White Colour

ii) Pole near the ball - Can be "Activated and Looped Around" if Ball is released at the moment-> Yellow
iii) Pole Currently Active and being Looped around. -> Red Color

Loop Perfection:

If the player does three consecutive perfect loops, it takes him/her into fever mode. Fever mode keeps changing on 6 and 9 perfect consecutive loops.

**What is a Perfect Loop?: When the ball quickly moves ahead from the current Pole after making a single loop and doesnt spend time looping around the same Pole more than once.

Bonus Points Accrual:
Points are doubled for a perfect loops after 3 perfect loops, tripled after 6 perfect loops and so on.

Check: "Fever mode approaching bar" indicator on the top of the screen with 3 parts.

Continue to make and break records.
Become the Perfect Touch Loop champion of the world.

Enjoy !